
The Sure Foundation For Your Times

I studied Isaiah 33 for awhile, but there was a section I couldn't understand. Since the pandemic (Covid 19) started, it suggests new meaning to me which I would like to share. Here it is (Isaiah 33:10-14 NIV):

10 “Now will I arise,” says the Lord.
    “Now will I be exalted;
    now will I be lifted up.
11 You conceive chaff,
    you give birth to straw;
    your breath is a fire that consumes you.
12 The peoples will be burned to ashes;
    like cut thornbushes they will be set ablaze.
13 You who are far away, hear what I have done;
    you who are near, acknowledge my power!
14 The sinners in Zion are terrified;
    trembling grips the godless:
“Who of us can dwell with the consuming fire?
    Who of us can dwell with everlasting burning?”

The phrase "your breath is a fire that consumes you" makes me think of this pandemic, the virus is like a fire that takes our breath away.

Is it perhaps a judgement on our global condition, that humans have of late conceived and birthed so many ideas that are not of substance - but worthless and "flammable" the way chaff and straw are flammable shells with no nutrition? I don't mean it's a judgement on individuals who are ill, because it refers to "the peoples" being set ablaze like cut thornbushes (eg. high contagion among everyone) and being "burned to ashes" (eg. many consumed, many cremations). The virus seems indifferent to who it infects.

I imagine everyone across the world will hear of what is happening (see Isaiah 33:13). Those in places more affected will notice changes that seem surreal in their countries. A short time ago, I could not have imagined anything that could cause such profound changes as these in such a short time:
  • Vast economies throughout the world slowed and shutdown. 
  • Huge cities quickly locked down and halted, except for essential services.
  • Massive retailers and industries indefinietly closed.
  • Sporting empires worldwide with delayed and cancelled events.
  • The entertainment industry unable to film programs and movies, and theatres closed.
  • The hospitality industry with empty rooms and vacant buildings.
  • Weddings, funerals, conferences, concerts, churches, families - gatherings of all types put on hold.
  • Restaurants and bars closed (except for drive throughs and delivery).
  • Schools and universities closed, students learning online or at home.
  • Airlines and transportation curtailed, highways empty.
  • Cruises and travel - formerly a privilege, now a potential source of infection and stranding.
  • Places renowned for longevity suddenly dangerous places for the aged to be.
  • Powerful people equally as vulnerable as others to this disease.
  • Stock markets and oil prices plummeting and erratic.

In short, the most popular - and populous - places and businesses suddenly became places to avoid. And in a world where the "outgoing" are often celebrated, people are suddenly encouraged to "stay home"!

Nothing I have ever witnessed has had such rapid and widespread influence over all the nations of the world, and all the institutions of power within it.

And as a result, people are reaching out to the Lord. It's good news in Isaiah 33:10 that the Lord says He will arise, be exalted and lifted up. I imagine there are many who, in their fear due to sickness or circumstance, will look to the Lord like never before. Perhaps some in their final hours,  but also I hope many who will recover and move forward with new respect for the Lord. I hope it changes this generation in a lasting and positive way by generating renewed interest in and respect for Him. By reaching out to God in this troubling time, people are acknowledging His power (see Isaiah 33:13)

I also hope we will recognize how the Lord works this for good in the lives of us believers. Ways he guides us, strengthens us, restores us, comforts us, changes us, and cares for us through this time and beyond. Isaiah 33:6 says:

6       He will be the sure foundation for your times,
          a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge;
          the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.

This is in the same chapter (Isaiah 33) as the other verses, so it is referring to these times, our times. The chapter is titled "Distress and Help" in the NIV Bible, and also mentions a time beyond this. So take heart, the Lord is with us, is drawing many to Himself, and is a sure foundation for us in these present times.