How To Become a Christian

Christianity is both a decision and way of life involving a restored relationship with God. 

Restoration is necessary because of sin. Crimes are acts forbidden by human laws, and sins are similarly hurtful acts that break spiritual (moral, ethical) laws. As a result we owe a penalty, a serious one for which we cannot escape responsibility. We are physically alive but spiritually separated from God. That said, Jesus (God's Son in human form) paid the penalty on our behalf. No need to defend ourselves, or be separated from God any longer. We are guilty and justice has been served, for Jesus paid the price (as capital punishment - his life) on our behalf. We can be free.

The source of this freedom is God, who arranged this on our behalf because He loves us. So to receive it we talk to Him (prayer), and begin an ongoing, eternal relationship with Him.

The words of your prayer can vary and may be said aloud or silently - there is no required formula. Believing God can restore us, we make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to His care. It isn't necessary to understand it perfectly, or feel afraid. If you believe it's possible, invite God into your life and it happens. Faith and understanding grow as you continue to pray, and experience life from that moment forward.