
Big Church, Little Church

I have this idea that proper Christians drive minivans to church every Sunday with their families. Or are seniors with grown families, who mingle looking for newcomers to welcome into the fold. Churched youngsters marry early so as not to 'burn with passion', and they take on adult responsibilities early by starting a family. And that worship means singing, period.
Where do these stereotypes come from? Of course I fit none of them, and secretly feel ashamed for this. Divorced with no children, remarried, no success to speak of, and - wait, I do drive an SUV. Perhaps worst of all, I don't attend 'regular' church. I attend small group Bible studies and a Christian writers' group, study Christian books, watch occasional Christian TV shows, and socialize with Christian friends. I tried so hard to fit in at church, but I don't like to sing and dread mingling after the service. I like sermons, but most services are held in the morning before I feel alert enough to socialize.
So does this make me a bad Christian? I have unfortunately read books that suggest so. However, the Bible is not one of them. Sure I have failures in my life, but failing to meet or connect with Christians is not among them, even if it is not in a large, crowded setting.

20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20 (NIV)