
Are All God's Gifts To Us Spiritual?

I have long had a penchant for school and office supplies. Gel pens, journals, calendars, computers, calculators, cute sticky notes - I regularly scan these aisles to see what new designs there are. 

It's true that most of this can be done digitally now, but the manual items still intrigue me. Maybe the "nouns" in our lives tell us something about ourselves, (besides how materialistic we are)!

From a young age preferences can often be seen toward certain objects, and also a disinterest in others. For example, I always loved toy animals but rarely played with dolls. Loved nature, was bored with kitchen utensils. So do these interests suggest our future jobs?

They could, but how the item is used is not always what attracts us. It may be more abstract, such as it's beauty, complexity, sleekness, orderliness, simplicity or newness. Does this mean we're materialistic if we like "things" so much?

Like an eager dog with a meaty bone, we can become possessive of our possessions. "Stuff" can trigger sins in us such as envy, greed, hoarding, overspending, debt, idolatry, theft, or selfishness. Should we then avoid the very things that excite us?

At times perhaps, but merely liking or enjoying something is part of life - it's a matter of degree. And also sometimes a matter of timing if our abilities change in the future.

Personally, I think we can learn about who God designed each of us to be by allowing ourselves to enjoy the material gifts He provides during our lives. All good things are from God, but when an item really touches your heart or shows up at a special time when it is especially appreciated - if you feel in your spirit it was sent to bless you, it probably was:

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:9-12)