
Rejection Hurts

It is frightening to think of God rejecting people, so upsetting that I believe it causes people to question the concept of a God 'like that'. We don't want it to be true that people we know and care about, perhaps even ourselves, may not go to heaven. So, some people react against the concept of heaven. Others react against the concept that a loving God could do this, either rejecting that definition of God, or belief in God at all. Frances de Sales said "God does not deprive us of His love; we deprive Him of our cooperation. God would never reject me if I had not first rejected his love." God does not force people to love back, He gives us free will, and some choose to reject Him. In fact, it is more fascinating to me that God is willing to accept all of us. If you were God, would you offer acceptance to EVERYONE, as He does? In fact, would you associate with humans at all if you were so far beyond them in EVERY way? Fascinating, and lucky for us that He does!*
* 2 Peter 3:9b (NIV) "Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."