
Small Medium, or Large?

When I was young, I was curious about fortunetellers, mediums, and telekinesis. I wanted to know things by supernatural means, and have special skills that others admired so they would respect me. I was gifted with a high IQ, but nobody seemed to credit me with knowing answers about much (except on exams). Even now I read books about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and miracles, still hoping for supernatural power from a Christian vantage point. It's hard to be ordinary, to just live in the natural world where people get sick, unexpected things happen, and it seems like few want to hear about Christianity. I do believe God has supernatural power, but that most times He works within the natural system He created to bring things about. I guess what I really desired all along was to be listened to and respected, not really to be magical.
Leviticus 19:31 )(NIV)  "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God."