
Not Feeling Good Enough to Pray?

Sometimes life leads us down roads we never expected. Have you ever started something you felt bad about, but didn't want to stop? When I was younger, I was surprised to discover that some of the things people warned me about were ... well, fun. How could this be - if sin is bad, shouldn't it hurt? The simple answer is, it can feel good and hurt you (or others) at the same time. That is why it is so hard to stop, and why people warn us not to begin.

When I find myself on the 'wrong side' of this dilemma, I still maintain my relationship with God. People may judge me, and I need not convince anyone I am right or wrong. I pray about what I have done, or am about to do. Why kid myself, God knows my intentions? And I invite him to intervene, and confess my inability to stop. We don't have to be perfect to come before God, or no one would qualify. But thanks to Jesus' work on the cross, we still have access to communicate with God.

Romans 7:19 NIV "For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing."