

Physical pain was something I had to deal with for awhile. Oh, I'd had minor things in the past, but this level was something new. When it happened it was like a hammer struck, or I stubbed a toe - times 10! Sometimes when it suddenly, intensely hurt, I heard a stream of swear words pour out of me as I clutched, crumpled, and waited for it to subside. Realizing it was not going to be a one time thing, I began to wonder if I could learn to respond in a better way. When I think of Jesus' suffering, such as when they drove nails through His hands, in my imagination I never envisioned Him swearing. Crying out in pain, perhaps, but not swearing*. So, although anger seems to rise so quickly when I hurt, I am trying to learn to express the pain without the course language. (And today I am grateful that my body has healed, and I feel better). 

*Matthew 27:50 NIV  "And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit."