
The Perky Impostor

A hollow, plastic squirrel sits at the base of a tree in our yard. It's perky, more realistic than cartoonish, and is located where actual squirrels frequent. Of course, like all manmade replicas of nature, there's a sad, lifeless quality to it. But it also represents a cheerful scene, so consequently it stays (for now).
Like that imitation squirrel, I sometimes feel like an introverted replica of what an extraverted person is supposed to be. Not 'real' enough as myself to measure up, as though the world were an expensive, exclusive store where the salesclerk looked me over, and was not impressed. That fragile outer shell can seem so important. But now, as I grow more aware of what's inside me - the eternal conscious part - I feel less breakable and misfit. What others see is not all there is to consider. I am spiritually alive, and can sense it.

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7 NIV