
It Happens In Thousands of Livingrooms!

"If you only had one week to live, and could write something guaranteed to impact 1000 people, what would you write?" This question was posed at a writers' workshop I attended, and this was my response: "I would write about Bible Study groups, and why I like them so much". As an introvert they really suit my style, and here is why:
  • I like to learn, and as the name implies these studies focus in-depth on topics or sections of the Bible. Excellent study guides and videos are also available for leaders and members which encourage participation and consistency.
  • Study groups are often small, which makes it comfortable to interact and share. It's fun to hear spiritual insights from others.
  • It's encouraging to hear others pray aloud and pray with them. I learn from this too.
  • Often groups meet in homes, which can strengthen friendships.
  • Whether a collection is taken is up to the group, and many do not.
  • There's always something new to study regardless how long a group meets, whether for a season or years.
  • I find it easier to invite a friend to a small group than to a large church service. 
  • For a change of pace, invite someone to share their testimony as a speaker.
  • Bible studies are a way to find wisdom, solve problems, gain insight, and feel loved by God and others.
I don't know whether this will impact 1000 people - and sadly not everyone is free to gather this way - but I would love it if blessings I've received from such groups would be multiplied to others. Plus, these small gatherings greatly resemble the way Jesus' followers met with Him and continued to spread the word.

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. - Hebrews 10:24-25 NIV

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20 NIV