
Pets: To Be, or Not To Be

I enjoy taming animals and owning pets, but news articles and remarks led me to question whether animals should be tamed, or left wild. To some "the 'real' or 'natural' animal to them is the wild one, and the tame animal is an artificial or unnatural thing."* Proverbs 12:10 (NIV) says "the righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel." This explains why animal ownership, per se, does not always lead to good results. In the best cases, however, it can be speculated that the taming and training of animals to be in relationship to humans is as proper - in a similar way -  as the teaching of people to be in right relationship with God. In this sense, "the tame animal is therefore, in the deepest sense, the only 'natural' animal - the only one we see occupying the place it was made to occupy,..."*

*"The Problem of Pain" in The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics, pg. 636

Warning: Contains the 'S' Word

I think sexual behaviour is just that: behavior. We make decisions about who or what we act with, and whether to begin - and it is often only whether to begin over which we can exercise willpower. Illicit behaviour feels exciting because the anxiety that accompanies it causes adrenaline that in turn boosts pleasure, just like a turbo system boosts the energy in a car. Then ordinary activity is still pleasurable, but it lacks that extra 'something'. Which is sad, because we lose our sensitivity to enjoy life the way it was made to be enjoyed. Sensitivity can be regained of course, but only by abstaining from the illicit behaviour and retraining ourselves, when we are ready, to enjoy things in a proper way.

Ephesians 4:19 (NIV) "Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more."

Small Medium, or Large?

When I was young, I was curious about fortunetellers, mediums, and telekinesis. I wanted to know things by supernatural means, and have special skills that others admired so they would respect me. I was gifted with a high IQ, but nobody seemed to credit me with knowing answers about much (except on exams). Even now I read books about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and miracles, still hoping for supernatural power from a Christian vantage point. It's hard to be ordinary, to just live in the natural world where people get sick, unexpected things happen, and it seems like few want to hear about Christianity. I do believe God has supernatural power, but that most times He works within the natural system He created to bring things about. I guess what I really desired all along was to be listened to and respected, not really to be magical.
Leviticus 19:31 )(NIV)  "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God."


For Inquiring Minds

Evolution vs. creation? Scientific questions require scientific answers, and I am no scientist. I did watch a video about this question, which stressed that we must be prepared to give answers to the questions that are raised, and present the evidence that is scientifically available so people can make informed decisions about what is true. I don't personally have many questions about this, but if I did I would start my research at the following website, because they have studied this and present considered articles on the subject both for laymen and experts:

Genesis1:1 (NIV) "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Rejection Hurts

It is frightening to think of God rejecting people, so upsetting that I believe it causes people to question the concept of a God 'like that'. We don't want it to be true that people we know and care about, perhaps even ourselves, may not go to heaven. So, some people react against the concept of heaven. Others react against the concept that a loving God could do this, either rejecting that definition of God, or belief in God at all. Frances de Sales said "God does not deprive us of His love; we deprive Him of our cooperation. God would never reject me if I had not first rejected his love." God does not force people to love back, He gives us free will, and some choose to reject Him. In fact, it is more fascinating to me that God is willing to accept all of us. If you were God, would you offer acceptance to EVERYONE, as He does? In fact, would you associate with humans at all if you were so far beyond them in EVERY way? Fascinating, and lucky for us that He does!*
* 2 Peter 3:9b (NIV) "Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."